deep in my heart, I do believe…

All week I have been failing to write about international women’s day. I had it all planned out, I had a busy weekend so I was going to use the ‘scheduled’ button on wordpress, finish something by Friday and get it to post itself today. But for various reasons I have managed to piss the […]

on finding ‘No’…

SOooooooooo the news is: I’ve met someone. There’s someone new in my life. Shocking I know, and even more shocking… it’s another woman. It all started, like all the best romances – even illicit, extra-marital ones –, with a poem. Then we started hanging out together. The odd coffee and sausage sandwich together here, the […]

a mummy’s-eye view of a different #indyref debate

“Women do like honesty more than men” says the lady next to me, and it’s clear from the start gender generalisations are not going to be for the faint-hearted tonight, “I wish somebody would just admit that this is a leap of faith”. She then moves to sit even closer to the front, evidently some […]

In which I untertake a close reading of Hello magazine

I purchased a copy of Hello magazine the other day. I must have been on the virgin cross country right-wing pendalino because I tried to buy something to read and it was either Hello, The Telegraph or the Daily Mail, and my thought process was along the lines of , ‘in the event of a […]

happy international women’s day, sisters (and brothers of course)

It was recently the 70th anniversary of the end of the siege of Leningrad. I read the most extraordinary account of the way people survived. It’s no secret that it is widely acknowledged that the women were a key element of survival, showing astounding ingenuity on order to find, if not food, then something to eat. But one […]

spending time with my boys

In the late nineteen sixties a team of sociologists lead by Royston Lambert conducted an in-depth study into boarding schools. They conducted interviews, gave out questionnaires and were shown countless diaries and personal writings, entirely voluntarily on the part of the pupils. They published an in-depth analysis of their findings, but they also published The Hothouse Society, […]